Terms & Conditions
1. Registration, conclusion of the contract
- By registering, the customer Beyond Nature offers the conclusion of a travel contract based on the travel of Beyond Nature, their notes on the appropriate travel in the Prospectus and these general terms and conditions binding.
- Registration can be in writing, by fax, be made orally, by telephone or by electronic means (e-mail). You made by the applicant for all in application to run participants, for whose contractual obligations the applicant as for his own obligations, insofar as he has assumed a corresponding separate obligation by express and separate declaration.
- After receipt of the notification Beyond Nature is this handled promptly. The travel contract comes with the acceptance of the declaration by Beyond Nature, for it requires no special form. Beyond Nature then informs the customer of the contract and shall send a written confirmation.
- Any divergences between the content of the confirmation of the contents of the application, so there is a new listing of Beyond Nature, is bound to the Beyond Nature for the period of 10 days. Within this period, the customer the new offer by express or conclusive explanation (z. B. Performance of the deposit or balance) accept and the travel contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer.
2. Payment
- After receipt of the confirmation a deposit of 20% of the price per passenger is due to pay and. The deposit will be deducted from the price. The balance of the payment is due 30 days prior to departure if it is established that the journey is carried out, and must be received unsolicited in Beyond Nature. Please consider the postal and payment maturities. The timeliness of the payment is credited the payment in Beyond Nature.
- Where, despite a reminder and a reasonable time limit for payment is not paid for this contract due payments of the customer, Beyond Nature is entitled from the contract to withdraw (§ 323 BGB) and the customer to charge a cancellation fee, which at below Clause 5.2. orient, if the traveler did not have a right to refuse payment.
3. Contractual services of Beyond Nature
- Solely the performance specifications in the valid for the travel period and the relevant travel associated travel offer (detailed program) of Beyond Nature, and referring to this information in the booking confirmation are decisive for the scope of services, to the extent they were available to the customer before signing a contract. Beyond Nature expressly reserves the right to declare for objectively justified, substantial and unforeseeable reasons before conclusion of a change of data, will naturally be informed about the travelers before booking.
- Service providers (eg. As hotels, airlines) and travel agencies (z. B. Travel agencies) are not authorised by Beyond Nature to give assurances or make agreements that go beyond the travel offer or our confirmation or contrary to the stand or the confirmed alter the travel contract.
4. Performance and price changes
- After conclusion of the contract amendments essential travel services that are not brought about by Beyond Nature bad faith, are only permitted if the changes are not substantial and do not impair the overall form of the tour.
- Price changes after conclusion of the contract only in the event of even after conclusion of the contract occurred and unforeseeable at the conclusion increase of transportation costs or charges for certain services such as port or airport fees or a change in the rules applicable to the journey in question exchange rates to the extent possible, such as increasing per person or per seat has an effect, if the time between the receipt of the confirmation and the agreed departure more than four months. Should this be the case, the customer will be immediately informed. A price increase that is required from 20 days before the departure date is invalid. If the price increases by more than 5% of the price or in the event of a significant amendment to an essential travel service when Beyond Nature the customer is entitled, free to withdraw from the contract or to demand participation in another trip of equal from the program of Beyond Nature, is able to offer such a trip without additional cost from their own travel offer. The customer has to make the rights set forth herein immediately upon receipt of the declaration of Beyond Nature via the power change or price adjustment in Beyond Nature against claims.
5. Cancellation by the customer, substitute, rebooking
- The customer can withdraw from the travel contract before departure. The receipt of the cancellation notice by Beyond Nature. It is recommended to explain the resignation for reasons of proof in writing.
- If the customer withdraws from the contract, so Beyond Nature lose its entitlement to the agreed travel price, however, may require an appropriate compensation for the travel arrangements made and for his expenses, with the amount of compensation by the travel price less the value of of Beyond Nature usually saved expenses and what Beyond Nature can acquire through alternative utilisation of the travel services, determined. Beyond Nature can calculate this claim at his discretion concrete or a lump sum. Beyond Nature may demand compensation is fixed as follows:
Up to 46 days before departure date: 30%
45th Day to 30 days before departure date: 40%
29th Day to 14 days before departure date: 50%
13 Day to 7 days before departure date: 60%
6 Day to 1 day before departure: 80%
from non-appearance: 90%
It is the customer is always free – even when calculating the lump-sum cancellation fee – to prove that the damage is not incurred in the calculated from Beyond Nature height. - Instead of withdrawing, the customer can send a replacement before the production of transport documents, entering his place in the rights and obligations of the travel contract and he has Beyond Nature display previously. Beyond Nature may oppose the entry of the third, when they do not meet the travel requirements or his participation legal regulations or administrative orders. If a third party enters into the contract, he and the previous customer shall be liable to Beyond Nature and severally liable for the travel price and all through the entry of the third additional costs.
- If requested by the customer even after booking the trip changes (changes to the travel date, the destination, the place of departure, accommodation or type of transportation) are made, Beyond Nature may require a transfer compensation up to 30 euros from customers. A legal claim on the customer changes does not exist. Changes are to six weeks prior to departure. Thereafter, changes only after previously canceling the travel contract under the aforementioned conditions and simultaneous re-registration by the customer possible. The customer can prove that no or less damage than the above lump sum by the transfer.
6. Unused services
If the traveler individual services, the Beyond Nature offered properly, due to early departure, illness or for other reasons that are responsible for them, not to claim, so there is no right of travel guest on proportionate refund of the price. Beyond Nature paid to the travel customer – without admitting liability – saved back expenses, where and when they have actually been reimbursed by the individual service providers to Beyond Nature.
7. Cancellation by Beyond Nature, termination by Beyond Nature
- Is the description of travel explicit reference to a minimum number of participants and this is not achieved, can Beyond Nature withdraw from the contract if it estimates the minimum number of participants in the prospectus and has the time specified, to which the notice of withdrawal to the traveler before the contractually agreed departure must be received no later than, and it has clearly legible pointed in the travel confirmation on this information. A resignation shall be submitted no later than towards the customer 30 days prior to the agreed departure of Beyond Nature. The customer receives all the work done on the travel price payments refunded immediately.
- Does the traveler despite a warning from Beyond Nature sustainable or it behaves in such measure contrary that a continuation of the contract until the agreed termination or expiration notice with him is unreasonable, or otherwise strongly in breach of contract, Beyond Nature can without any notice time terminate the travel contract. Here Beyond Nature retains its claim to the travel price less the value of saved expenses and possibly refunds by performers or similar benefits they gained from the other use of the unused capacity. Any additional costs for return transportation bears the jammer itself.
8. Termination due to force majeure
If the trip is due to unforeseeable at contract conclusion force majeure impede, endangered or impaired, both Beyond Nature and the customer can cancel the contract. The legal consequences arising from the Australian law. After that, the tour operator may demand reasonable compensation for rendered or outstanding travel performances. Beyond Nature is obliged to take the necessary measures, in particular, if the contract includes return transportation, return transportation to travel guest. The additional costs for the return shall be borne by the parties each pay half. Moreover, the additional costs are the customer load.
9. Obligations of the customer, Remedy, Deadline before termination by the passenger
- The customer must notify any defects immediately to the local tour guide or at the below address / telephone number, and there is to ask for help. Any failure of the customer culpably fails to report a defect, occurs a reduction claim not.
- If the tour service is not provided in the contract, the customer can demand a remedy within a reasonable time, which Beyond Nature may refuse relief if it requires disproportionate effort. Beyond Nature can remedy such a way that it provides an equal or better replacement power.
- If a trip is due to a defect serious and makes Beyond Nature within a reasonable time does not help, then the customer may cancel the contract within the statutory provisions, but for reasons of evidence the written statement is recommended. Beyond Nature informed in this regard about the obligation of the customer to indicate a defect that occurs immediately, and the fact that prior to the termination of the travel contract (§ 651e BGB) to set a reasonable time limit for remedy. A deadline does not then need it, if the remedy of Beyond Nature is denied or if the immediate termination of the contract by a special interest of the traveler is justified.
- The traveler has to prevent the occurrence of a loss as possible and to keep incurred losses low. When damage occurs, he is obliged to cooperate in the framework of the statutory provisions, to avoid possible damages or to minimise them.
10. Liability of the tour operator and Limitation of Liability
- The contractual liability of Beyond Nature for damages other than personal injury is limited per journey and customers to three times the travel price if the damage was caused deliberately or through gross negligence or if the tour operator for the loss or damage incurred solely because of a is the service provider responsible. The tortious liability for property damage that are not based on intent or gross negligence is, depending on customers and travel to three times the travel price.
- The above limitations will not apply to claims which are given by the Montreal Convention for the loss of luggage.
11. Exclusion of claims, display periods, limitation of claims
- Travel Contractual warranty claims must be asserted within one month after the contractually agreed end of the journey towards Beyond Nature at the below address. After the one-month period, the traveler may only assert claims if he has been prevented from meeting the deadline or if it comes to tort claims. The period referred to shall not apply to the notification of baggage damage, delays in the luggage or loss of luggage in connection with flights. This must be reported within 7 days upon loss of luggage and within 21 days for baggage delay after delivery of the baggage is being suggested to be made immediately on the spot, the damage report with the relevant airline. Similarly, the loss, damage or display the misdirection of baggage, the local tour guide or Beyond Nature over.
- Claims of the traveler according to §§ 651c to 651f BGB arising from injury to life, limb or health based on a negligent breach of duty by the tour operator or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or agent of the tour operator, expire after two years. This also applies to claims for compensation for other damages based on a grossly negligent breach of duty by the tour operator or a willful or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or agent of the tour operator. All other claims according to §§ 651c to 651f BGB lapse after one year. The period begins on the date on which the tour should under the contract. Between the customer and the tour operator on the claim or the circumstances giving rise, the limitation period is suspended until the customer or the tour operator refuses to negotiate. Limitation shall become effective no earlier than a 3 months after the suspension ends.
12. Passport and visa requirements, health regulations
- Beyond Nature informed citizens of the state in which the tour is offered about passport and visa requirements and health formalities (eg. Police mandatory vaccinations and certificates) which are required for the journey and the stay. Citizens of other countries the competent consulate gives information.
- The buyer is responsible for complying with all important for the performance of the tour itself. All disadvantages arising from non-compliance with these requirements, at its expense, except Beyond Nature has their notification obligations in debt not satisfied. In particular, customs and currency regulations in foreign countries must be observed.
- The customer is responsible for obtaining and carrying the necessary travel documents and must make sure yourself that your passport or ID card for travel has sufficient validity. If the customer has instructed the Beyond Nature to apply for official documents, such as a visa at a diplomatic mission for him, so Beyond Nature not liable for the timely issuance of documents by German or foreign authorities, but only if they violate their own responsibilities and has itself to blame for the delay.
13. Information on the identity of the / of the operating air carrier
Beyond Nature has, according to Australian law, the obligation to inform the customer about the identity of the respective air carrier of all deliverables under the reserved trip air transportation services at booking. Is / are the operating airline or the exporting airlines at that time not yet been fixed, so must call Beyond Nature that / n airline / s, which is the air transport probably perform / be and ensure without delay that the customer receives an immediate knowledge of the identity once this is fixed or they have been determined. The same applies if the operating carrier changes. The blacklist of the EU is available on the website http://air-ban.europa.eu and on the website of Beyond Nature and in their premises. The list is continually updated by the EU.
14. Privacy Policy
Beyond Nature takes your privacy seriously. Protecting your privacy when processing personal data is an important concern for us. Beyond Nature processes personal data that are collected when visiting our web pages exclusively in accordance with the statutory provisions. It is important that you always know when we store data and how we use it (principle of transparency). Below we would like, therefore, to briefly explain how Beyond Nature processes your data and what significance this has specifically when using our services for you.
Personal data
Personal data refers to specific information about an individual that allows conclusions to be drawn about personal, economic, or factual circumstances. This includes, for example, address and contact information. Information not directly related to your real identity (e.g., favorite websites visited or the number of users on a site) is not included.
All sections of our website that are publicly accessible can generally be visited without authentication. During registration, we will ask for your name and other personal details, which are necessary to provide these services. While providing this information is voluntary, registration is required to access certain features. All personal data you provide will be handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws. The data will only be processed for the specific purpose for which it was collected and will not be shared with third parties.
We use an automated statistical analysis tool for marketing and optimization purposes to track visits to our website and conduct analyses. For this, we collect technical data, including your IP address, internet traffic, and information about the browser and device you use. This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal information on secure internal systems, ensuring it cannot be traced back to an individual.
User profiles may be created from this data under pseudonyms, with cookies (see below) used for this purpose. The information collected is used solely to optimize our website for user needs and for marketing purposes. Without explicit consent, the data will not be used to personally identify visitors and will not be combined with personal information associated with the pseudonym. No link or association between personal and anonymous data occurs.
Data collection and storage can be revoked at any time, with future effect.
Use of Cookies
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are sent from the web server to your PC and are usually stored on your hard drive. These are not programs that penetrate the user’s system and cause damage there. Although cookies can identify the computer, no personal data is stored by cookies themselves. When you visit our website again, the cookie shows that it is a repeat visit. You can configure your browser so that the acceptance of cookies will in principle be denied or will provide advance notice if a cookie is stored. For more information, refer to the manual of your internet browser.
Withdrawal of consent
You can also withdraw your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. If you have given us personal data (eg. As when requesting a newsletter), you always have the choice to simply delete them again. Use the relevant declaration form available there to sign out, send us an e-mail or telephone if you prefer to contact us. After confirming the safety message, all your data will be deleted at this service for us irretrievably.
Links to other websites
Beyond Nature is not liable for contents of other providers which may be accessed through hyperlinks. With the connected external pages, it is exclusively by external parties, for which we assume no liability and whose contents we do not adopt as our own. Although these contents were checked before linking to legal and moral standards, but it is not excluded that contents are subsequently changed by the providers. Beyond Nature is not obligated to, the linked pages constantly check for changes. Should you discover any noticeable violations of law or other inappropriate content on linked sites, we ask you to inform us. We also distance ourselves from illegal and immoral Internet content.
15. Miscellaneous
- The invalidity of individual provisions of the travel contract does not invalidate the entire travel contract.
- The entire legal and contractual relationship between Beyond Nature and the customer shall be governed exclusively by German law.